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the exact templates that i used to get fully booked and grow my coaching business to my first £10k month without relying on social media!

Do you have capacity to sign more coaching clients, but you don't know how?

Are you spending way too much time on social media but not seeing consistent results?

Or maybe you're just not seeing any results, no shame darling I've got you!

Selling your coaching and getting visible outside of social media is a serious growth hack.

🎉Introducing The £10k Templates! 🎉 
Your secret weapon to help you take your business to the next level ASAP.

I'm going to tell you where to focus your efforts, who to reach out to AND also give you the exact things that you can say. All you need to do is add your own personality.

Oh and BTW this isn’t just a bunch of templates that have been made on Chat GPT, they are the exact ones that I used to take my coaching business to fully booked and have my first £10k month without relying on Instagram. I have only been sharing these with my VIP clients up til now, but I know if you're on this page, you could probably use 'em.

Introducing The £10K Templates to help YOU sign clients and grow your credibility this week!

This is the ultimate bundle that will help you to…

✔Get over insta fatigue and not knowing what to post, with a clear action list of what to do this week to move the needle in your business.
✔Go from whispering into a void on social media, to getting your name known to the right people.
✔Feel excited about showing up for your business as an expert that makes bold and strategic moves and isn't just an Instagram page.
✔Sign clients this week!

template love

Scotti weintraub

Leanne has the best resources!  Seriously, whenever I needed inspiration or a framework for something, she had the example or template to fit the bill. Not only did she have what I needed (which saved me tons of time), it was always simple to adapt and use, full of personality, and just super useful. No matter your business, Leanne's templates will be a huge hit.

amber jay 

Your templates have been a GODSEND! Having a brilliant example from a successful coach for everything new that I have to do in my business has taken the guesswork, stress and anxiety out of moving the needle forward. They are amazing and have helped me learn what to do and how to do it. Thank you!!

emily armitage

You need these templates in your life! They take all the stress out of pitching, knowing what to do or what to say. I’ve landed so many podcasts using the podcast pitch template…and even been told my pitch was absolutely text book perfect by a well known podcaster!


Hey, I'm


I'm a business coach and hype woman for female coaches who not only want to make a massive impact in the world, but also want to get paid hella well doing it. I've been coaching for over 4 years now and when I first started I didn't think I'd ever get my business fully booked because of the slow and soul destroying growth that I was seeing on Instagram. Once I worked on my branding, positioning and did the reach-outs and pitching that I'm including in this bundle, things really started to shift for me. Within a few months I was fully booked and had my first £10K month.

Click the button below for instant access.

Use these templates to invite, approach and pitch to people this week and grow your client list, confidence and credibility!

Because social media isn't the only way to hit £10k, and it certainly isn't the most enjoyable way!

how much do you want this?

Download these now and you can send two piches today, and have a client by the end of the week.

what's inside THE £10K Templates? 

Everything that you need to do some needle moving activities and sign clients (and get some street cred) this week.


A happy client is worth their weight in gold, use my personal reach out template to reach out to your previous clients and personal circle without feeling spammy. I have also included a gorgeous Canva template that you can use to create a flyer to send with your message!


Your ideal clients are hanging out IRL somewhere. Get your thinking cap on, get out from behind your laptop and go and hang with them, make conversation, and I promise that the convo will turn to what you do! Use my reach out template to reach out to venues and showcase yourself as being an asset to them!


Double your audience without breaking a sweat! There will be so many people that have the same ideal client as you but come at it from a different angle. Use my non-icky collaboration template to invite them to do a value-packed collab that is mutually beneficial!


Partnering with a corporate offes a huge pool of opportunity for you to get right under your ideal clients nose! I know you are thinking that you don't know where to start so I am giving you a template to reach out to people in your circle to see if they know of any organisations that are interested in wellbeing, and then use my corporate reach out template to drop an email to the person you need to speak to! I have also included a Canva template that you can use as a proposal document to look super swish!


Being a guest on someone elses podcast is a super fantastiche way to grow your audience, your street cred and get clients! Use my podcast pitch template to reach out to podcast hosts today. And BTW one of my clients used this template, was booked, and was told by the host that it is the best pitch that she has ever received!


Having a published article will seriously ramp up your authority, get your email list pumped up and give your sh*tloads of content. Use my article pitch template to pitch to media outlets and get writing!! (No Chat GPT or vanilla allowed!)


I know that everyone tells you to get into FB groups to get clients BUT spending all day in a FB group ain't my cup of tea, and neither is being a rando who comments on everything. So I am strategic as hell about the ones that I join, and I only join ones that are open for a limited period of time (for a challenge or programme etc) and then I introduce myself with a scrollstopping intro post - which you can have the template for!


I know you're an action taker. I know you're ready to have a waitlist of people dying to work with you. Stop relying on the algorithim and take matters into your own hands right now.

Ok, so how can i access this?

The kind of knowledge contained in these templates have only been shared with my 1:1 clients to date. But I want more coaches to succeed and change the world so I'm making it more widely available. That’s why for a limited time only, I’m offering the £10K Templates for only.

Includes tried and tested:

7 x editable Google doc templates
2 x editable Canva templates


(was £19)


If this is so good…Why is it so cheap Leanne?


I truly want to get this out to as MANY coaches as possible… so even if you don't work with me in the future, my hope is that you implement some of these things and truly maximise the potential that you have to start loving your business, whilst making and impact and income.

Anyone who doesn't even want to invest £7 into their business isn't likely someone who is going to prioritise their business or their future - so I'd rather not put my time and attention into them, no hard feelings.

However, if you're super serious about building a hugely profitable, and impactful coaching business and you have eyes on doing things like a book tour, TED talk and sold-out high-ticket programmes (cause go big or go home baby!) these templates can help you severly cut the amount of hours you're devoting to your business faffing around on social media, when you could be getting so much more momentum offline.

get instant access for £7

liz murray

Using Leanne’s templates has made tasks that would have previously been unapproachable so easy! It takes all of the stress out of creating something new. The prompts are created perfectly to guide you through the process. I wouldn’t be without them!